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At a personal level, the most popular way of dealing with spam appeared to be hitting the delete button, with only a minority using filters to block the messages.一日に数百通のspamを受け取る人は、まだ少ないということかもしれない。数千通のレベルになったら、deleteキーだけで対処しきれないと思う。
A third said they had clicked on a link in a spam message to get more information, while 7% said they had ordered a product or service advertised.買う人がいる限りはspamがなくなることはないのだろうな。
The Arctic warming study, appearing in the November 1 issue of the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate, shows that compared to the 1980s, most of the Arctic warmed significantly over the last decade, with the biggest temperature increases occurring over North America.Comiso, J. C. (2003) : Warming trends in the arctic from clear sky satellite observations. Journal of Climate 16: 3498-3510.
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