Katsutoshi Seki's private page


Chess Playing System

This chess playing system is like email chess or corresponding chess, where each player moves one move per day, for example. The game is managed by the server, and you can play chess with your web browser. The followig image (click to enlarge) shows the screen when the player is moving his h1 rook to d1. The player first click h1 square, and then click d1 square. You can confirm your move by the black circles at h1 and d1 squares, and "Rh1-d1" notation in the text box at the Move Entry. After that, click "Submit" button to determine your move.

Playing Chess

How it works

First of all, please read the following instruction.

As explained in the above document, you first create a new game, and play chess with your web browser. You can move your pieces with a chess board that appears on your screen.

How to begin

  1. At first, please register to seki.jpn.org (Kimagure server) from user registration. You will have to enter your username, Email, password, and submit. You will receive a confirmation email and after you access to the URL written in the confirmation email, your registration will be completed.
  2. Now you can start to play.

Finding your opponent

First you have to find your opponent to start your game.

  1. If you already have your opponent, both of you will register to seki.jpn.org and use "Individual challenge" to start the game.
  2. If you want to look for your opponent, create your game by "Open challenge" and wait for somebody to challenge you. You can select to notify you when someone accepts your challenge to a game. Be sure to make that the notification will be sent to your email, as explained here later.
  3. Alternatively, you can start your game with someone who has already created a challenge from list of games

Notification by email

You can receive notification by selecting "Notify me when a new move is made in this game". By default, this notification will be sent to your inbox in seki.jpn.org account, which means that you will have to log in to confirm if the notification message arrives, and this is generally not very convenient. However, you can change your setting so that the notification messages will arrive directly to your registered email address, by doing as follows.

  1. Select Edit Account menu from the user menu at the left column that appear when you login. This link only works when you are logging in.
  2. Look for the item "Notification Method: When you monitor e.g. a forum, how would you like to receive notifications of updates?", and select "Email (use address in my profile)".
  3. Press "Save Changes" button at the bottom.
  4. Voila!

In this way, you will have to log in only when you receive your notification email.

Are you ready?

OK, so let's play. This picture was taken at Ithaca Commons, NY, USA. The left guy is the site owner, Katsutoshi Seki. I lived at Ithaca for about 8 months and occasionally at the weekend I played chess at Ithaca Commons with those guys who happened to come. Ithaca is a really nice city... I would love to go again. :)



This chess system uses English software, and I translated the language files into Japanese. Now it is served in bilingual mode, but some of the features are not yet in the bilingual mode. In some situations you may find only Japanese text and you might get lost. In such cases, please contact me.

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